Kidney Donation in Donors with Resolved AKI


Dr Sanjeev Gulati    16 October 2017

Kidney transplantation is considered treatment of choice for many patients with severe CKD because QoL and survival are often better than in those treated with dialysis. There is a shortage of organs available for donation. The gap between supply and demand in kidney transplantation has led to increased use of marginal kidneys but kidneys with AKI are often declined or discarded. Transplant centers have been expanding the criteria for acceptability of organs and donors with AKI are one such group. There have been concerns about accepting these kidneys for transplantation as AKI in the nontransplant clinical setting has been associated with increased risk of developing CKD and ESRD. Kidneys from donors with AKI seem to have outcomes equivalent to those from donors without AKI provided one can rule out significant cortical necrosis. Transplanting selected kidneys from deceased donors with AKI is safe and has excellent outcomes. There is a significant opportunity to increase utilization of kidneys from AKI donors.

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